Michelle's Tribute To SlopJar

Created by Michelle 12 years ago
Yes, "SlopJar" is missed. Everytime I am reminded or tell a story about him....we all laugh. He did, as much, for me as he did his own daughter. Let us never forget ALL the things he did other than travel the United States. He had been a nascar driver, professional boxer, sniper in the military with x amount of kills (wow that was an astronomical number he came up with in his head), he was a blues singer along side of Delbert McClinton and might I add had bought me EVERY Delbert McClinton CD ever recorded, he had be awarded a purple heart, he was a black belt in karate, a professional wrestler and had spent many years travelling with the circus to different parts of the state. (I would say the best besides today's John Cena, the Rock, or Stone Cold Steve Austin. Yes, I know....a pretty incredible man indeed. So, after about 7-8 years of knowing him, I finally got the courage to ask his age. He replied "why would you ask such a thing?" My reply, because you are either older than dirt or these were very short lived careers. He told the stories to make us laugh but all the while I believe them. I was devasted, to say the least, when I found out that he really didn't travel with carny. I mean how cool could that be. I always wanted to be one of those trapeze women and to have been a rock star with Delbert McClinton would have been tremedously incredible. However, I would have gone for Angus Young or Tommy Lee. He was one of kind and he is greatly missed and loved. There isn't a day that doesn't pass that I don't think of him. These story made him who he was or perhaps aspired to be. It is great to dream big....you never know when those dreams will come true. I can envision him dancing around the throne of God, now, when he isn't truckind down the streets made of gold. So ....roll on eighteen wheeler.....roll on! I love you!